Featherbed Lane bron
Tensar’s TensarTech TR2 reinforced soil wall system was the perfect temporary solution for constructing four piling platforms needed fora new rail overbridge, in-between the railway and neighbouring homes and gardens.
- Low cost and robust temporary works solution
- Maximising space for piling within a residential area
- Fast and straight forward construction with no need for specialist skills
Osborne Infrastructure needed to build four raised temporary working platforms in the middle of a housing estate, to enable installation of CFA piles for a replacement road bridge over the West Coast Mainline. The solution needed to minimise disruption to local residents and allow trains to run without delays.
Tensar’s TensarTech TR2 reinforced soil wall system delivered stable, low-cost retaining walls for the platforms, providing safe working areas for the foundation team, while being quick to build, without the need for crane lifts, foundations or specialist skills. The system was easily dismantled after each phase of piling, allowing the fill materials to be re-used for subsequent platforms and elsewhere on site.